Blog Articles

Summer is Coming. Is Your Deck Ready

April 10, 2014
While the water and snow in winter are obvious threats to decking, many people overlook the summer season and forget that their deck will still need care.
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Signs your deck needs restoration

March 20, 2014
When newly installed, a house’s decking is a warm, evenly colored thing of beauty. Over time, the ravages of the elements mean that the color fades.
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How Often Should Decks Be Coated

March 17, 2014
When moving into a new home which needs its decking restored, or simply tackling the project that’s been looming outside for years, one important question comes.
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Dangers of Formaldehyde in Coating

February 19, 2014
Formaldehyde, a common chemical used extensively in building materials and typical household products, is nonetheless a dangerous substance.
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Prevent Rot with Planter Boxes

February 14, 2014
If you don’t have a garden space that you can decorate, then it can be a little bit difficult to make your home or commercial building look attractive.
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Choose Desert Crete Texture Products

January 29, 2014
If you own a hotel, manage an apartment complex, or are in charge of any other property which sees regular visitors, then flooring and decking is a must.
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Using Desert Flex Systems

January 14, 2014
For the majority of people, if they are looking to restore a decking in a domestic environment using Desert Flex products will come with a wide range of advantages.
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About Rooftop Deck Resurfacing

December 31, 2013
When it comes to staying away from home you want the very best, a hotel has to have everything you might possibly need to make you feel comfortable.
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