Spring is at its peak and Summer is right around the corner. Now is the time to be outdoors enjoying that beautiful California weather, especially here in Los Angeles. What better way to spend a hot summer day than at the comfort of your own home on a cool, shaded balcony or roof deck? If you are looking to install a balcony, roof deck, or outdoor walkway, look no further than Desert Crete systems.
West Coast Decking & Waterproofing knows that customers want reliable decking systems put into their homes. This is why we only use Desert Crete systems for the balconies, roof decks, and even for the outdoor walkways we install. Desert Crete products have been around for over 28 years and have a history of success. They are manufactured by Hill Brothers Chemical Company, which was started in 1923. The reliability of the products even have approval of compliance with description from the city of Los Angeles. Desert Crete products also have a warranty for five years covered by Hill Brothers Chemical Company, so you can rest assured knowing any product defects will be taken care of. Safety is a very important feature to consider when choosing a brand for your roof deck or balcony. Desert Crete systems are fire retardant as per ASTM E-108 and have a one hour fire rating. These ratings were given after Desert Crete systems were placed in controlled lab conditions for heat tests, abrasion tests, freeze tests, impact tests, and more. Not just anyone can install a Desert Crete system either. Contractors must be trained and certified by Hills Brothers Chemical Company before they will be allowed to install any Desert Crete products. This way, you know that your balcony, roof deck, or outdoor walkways will be installed properly. Aside from reliability, quality, and general safety, Desert Crete has a number of personalization options to choose from. This way, you get a high quality product that is exactly the way you want it. Once your balcony, deck, or exterior walkway is finished, you can choose the standard knock down texture, color stain, stamp, or stencil. You get what you pay for with Desert Crete products, and that is a top of the line decking system.