Waterproofing your outdoor space or your home is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your home is being well maintained. Water damage can lead to structural damage, cracks, dry rot, mold and more. Additionally, major repairs can be costly and time consuming. The best way to avoid these problems is simply by hiring a waterproofing professional for all of your waterproofing needs. Here are some questions to keep in mind when determining which waterproofing professional to hire for the job.
- Are you licensed and insured? This may seem like an obvious question, but unfortunately, there are many contractors in the field who simply do not have proper licensensing. You want to be able to get the best work done on your home, and one of the first ways to ensure that, is to make sure the contractors you hire are licensed and insured.
- Do you have references? Another way to ensure that you can trust the contractors you hire is to ask for references. If the contractor is a reputable source, they will happily provide you with references for past customers so you can verify the professionalism of the contractor.
- What kind of materials do you use? Not all materials are alike and some are better than others. Some products are certified and meet industry standards while others do not. In order to ensure your home is getting the best products available, ask your contractor what they use.
- What is the best solution to my problem? It’s important to stay in the know with your contractor. Afterall, it is your house that they are working on. Contractors should be happy to explain their thought process and their plans on how to tackle the proposed problem.
- What will the proposed solution look like? Waterproofing your basement and waterproofing your outdoor deck will look like two different things. Whatever the proposed solution is, its important to ask what the process will look like so you can be aware and have proper expectations. For example, How long will they be working for? Will it deter you from entering certain spaces in your home? You should get a clear idea of what the work will entail before giving the go ahead.