Blog Articles

Basement to a Livable Space

April 10, 2015
Basements have been traditionally used as a storage space that is often overlooked. People tend to throw all their extra stuff down there as dust.
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Heat Reflective Pool Surfaces

April 6, 2015
With growing technology, there are more opportunities for pool decks as opposed to simply using concrete, because it is an affordable choice.
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Illuminate Your Deck All Night

March 27, 2015
When people think of decks, they often imagine summer afternoons, having barbecues and enjoying one another’s company while soaking up some rays.
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Floors With Concrete Staining

March 20, 2015
You may be surprised to hear this, but more and more homeowners have been switching to concrete floors – inside their homes. There are some benefits of concrete.
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How to Properly Maintain Your Deck

March 13, 2015
With spring just around the corner, it may be time to check on your deck and figure out whether any maintenance is needed or not. During the winter months you may...
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Prevent Dry Rot on Your Deck

March 6, 2015
If you are the proud owner of an outdoor deck, you are probably aware that decks need upkeep and maintenance in order to keep your prized possession in great shape.
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Get Your Deck Ready for Spring

February 27, 2015
Warmer weather is fast approaching so its time to start thinking about how to protect your deck for summertime. Get your deck ready for spring!
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The Multiple Dangers of Mold

February 20, 2015
While many people tend to forget about their basements, putting it on the back burner of things to take care may not be the wisest thing to do.
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