Blog Articles

Applying Decorative Finish To Floors

October 13, 2016
If you are thinking about giving your home a new look but are worried about expensive costs, you should consider applying a decorative finish to your concrete floor.
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Prevent Balconies By Waterproofing

October 5, 2016
Maintaining the structure of your balcony is extremely important. When a balcony is at risk, it can lead to serious risk or injury if left unchecked.
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Protecting Your Deck From Weather

September 28, 2016
As a deck owner, keeping the deck in good condition should be one of the main focuses. There are a variety of ways that this can be accomplished.
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Deck Waterproofing In Drought

September 21, 2016
One of the biggest concerns a deck owner needs to be aware of is water damage. Sometimes, when you are in the middle of a drought it can damage your deck.
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Fixes To Waterproofing A Leaky Deck

September 14, 2016
One of the worst things that can happen to a home deck is water damage. With prolonged water exposure, the damage can cause mold and dry rot.
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Resurfacing Can Improve Decks

September 7, 2016
Even if you take care of your outdoor deck or patio, natural wear and tear can still occur. Over time, damage from UV rays as well as cracks can ruin your deck.
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Decorating Tips For Your Deck/Patio

August 31, 2016
Homeowners know that owning an outdoor deck or patio is a point of pride. If you are a new owner of a deck or are looking for ways to mix things up, keep reading.
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Resurfacing Make Your Floors New

August 24, 2016
While there are many perks of having a concrete deck, floor or driveway, sometimes over time, general wear and tear can lead to cracks on the surface.
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